My Opinion

     I think if I was affected by this disease my life wouldn't change that much, it is not the personality that is changed, it is what is seen on the outside.  I would still be a person just like everyone else.  I think people should be more aware of a disease like this, Progeria, because more could be done to help find treatment for this disease.  These people should know that Progeria doesn't change the person's spirit just the persons look.  They should be treated with respect just like anyone else should be.  We should get more people to do research on Progeria to understand why the mutations occur in the cells.   

     What made me interested in this topic was because I had never heard of the disease before and I was curious to learn more about this disease that would bring rapid aging into a person's life.  If I ever come in contact with a person with Progeria I will give them respect and kindness.